Poultry, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Seafood & Cheese
Poultry is available fresh or frozen, as whole chickens or in joints cuts, bone-in or deboned, skin on or skinless, leg quarters, drumsticks, thighs, wings, chicken feet and giblets. Poultry is classified primarily by the size, weight, and age of the chicken when processed. At D & B Foods, our experience in the poultry market is unmatched. We specialize in quality and meeting our customers’ needs. We are your solution for the best prices and quality product.
Broiler/Fryer- Chicken raised for meat products; of either sex; usually six to eight weeks old; often labeled "tender young chicken." This is usually 2 ¾ to 4 ½ lbs.
Broiler/Roaster- Slightly older hens usually fifty-five days of age weighing 5 to 8 lbs., fresh or frozen
WOG - Whole Chicken without Giblets - This is a broiler size chicken usually 2 ¾ to 3 lbs., Fast Food Size broiler; larger WOGS can weigh above 3lbs. (called 3+ ups, typical size for retail grocery stores)
Breast - Whole breast or half, bone in or deboned, skin on or skinless. Breast Fillet is a boneless breast skinless.
Tenderloin/Tenders - Also known as chicken fingers, chicken strips, or chicken fillets. This is a whole-muscle product located on either side of the breast bone under the breast meat.
Thigh - Bone in or deboned, skin on or skinless
Drumstick - This is produced by cutting a whole leg through the joint between the tibia and the femur bones.
Whole Wing - The wing consists of three segments. The first segment is described as the wing “drumette”. The second segment is described as the wing portion or flat. The third segment is described as the tip.
Leg Quarters - This is the thigh and drumstick still connected at the joint.
Cornish Game Hen - A small, less than thirty days of age and about two pounds.
D & B Foods is a large domestic purchaser of beef from all major local suppliers as well as smaller specialty companies. We have built long term relationships with our suppliers to bring you the best quality beef. Our service approach of treating both our suppliers and customers with mutual trust has created long term business partnerships and allows us to offer dozens of beef brand selections and top quality products.
Beef Chuck - also known as the seven-bone steak (in reference to the shape of the bone) - This is located near the shoulder and neck area of the cow. Types: chuck roast, chuck arm roast, and the flat iron steak.
Round or Rump - A lean cut of meat with very little fat. It is located at the back of the cow near the rear leg. Like the Shank, the round is a tough cut due to the constant use of the cow's legs. Despite the round or rump's toughness, it produces quite a few different cuts of meat that are quite popular. Some common cuts are rump roast/steak, top round roast/steak, bottom round roast/steak, the eye of round roast/steak, and the sirloin tip center roast/steak.
Brisket - Cut from the breast or the lower portion of the cow. Like the shank, it has a lot of connective tissue and can be quite tough unless cooked properly. Types: brisket flat cut and the brisket point cut.
Ribs - Some of the finest cuts of the cow and is known for its juiciness, tenderness, superb marbling, and flavor. The rib cut refers to ribs 6 through 12 on the cow. Types: prime rib, short rib, rib-eye steak, and rib-eye roasts.
Short Plate (or long plate depending on where it is separated from the rib) - Located on the front belly of the cow below the ribs. It contains a lot of cartilage and is kind of fatty and tough. Types: short ribs, hangar steak, and the skirt steak. It is best known for being used to make carne-asada.
Flank - A long flat cut from the abdominal muscles of the cow. It is one of the toughest cuts of meat. Types: flap steaks or flank steaks, ground beef and it can also be used in London broil steak.
Loin - This cut is from the back of the cow, typically a portion of the hindquarter directly behind the ribs. It is one of the most tender and desirable cuts of beef. Types: filet mignon, porterhouse steak, and the T-bone steak. It also contains the KC strip, tenderloin roast, and the shell steak.
Sirloin - This is cut from the back of the cow, just past the loin (a.k.a the short loin). Although, not as tender as the loin cuts, the sirloin is still a very popular tender cut of beef. Types: top sirloin, bottom sirloin, and center-cut sirloin steaks, as well as the tri-tip steak, filet of sirloin, and the ball tip roast.
Shank - This is the leg of the cow and is one of the toughest meats. This is due to the fact that the leg muscle is constantly used. Types: the shank or the shank crosscut. It is also used in very low fat ratios of ground beef.
Veal - A young calf. We have both domestic and imported available for your food service needs.
With decades of experience in the pork industry, D & B Foods offers a wide variety of great pork brands from major distributors. Our extensive network of suppliers allows us to be competitive and meet our customers' price and quality needs.

Pork Shoulder or Pork Butt- Starting from the front of the pig: Pork shoulder (also called pork butt) is generally sold as a 5 to 10 pound boneless or bone-in roast at the grocery store. Rib and Loin chops are cut from this area as are pork loin roasts and tenderloin roasts.
Pork Loin- The pork loin comes from the pig’s back and lean and tender. Pork loin is a classic roasting cut. The loin can either be cooked in one piece with the bone or deboned.
Pork Rib- When you debone a pork loin, the ribs that come off of that are the baby back ribs. They are a more tender rib option: The meat in between the ribs is loin meat instead of belly meat. When a few chops are kept together in one piece, they make a rib roast.
Pork Chop- Thick or thin, bone-in or boneless pork chops are cut from meat perpendicular to the spine, often from the loin. It is a really meaty chop, cut from the rump of the pig. It can be bought either on or off the bone.
Pork Leg- Most people eat the rear leg as ham – cured, smoked, and processed in some kind of way. A leg is usually roasted whole, but it can also be deboned and cut into smaller roasting cuts, or thinly sliced to make steaks.
Pork Belly- This is the underside of the pig. Bacon is pork belly cured, smoked, and sliced. A fatty, but an incredibly tender cut of meat, the belly is delicious when slow-roasted. It’s also used to make bacon and spare ribs.
Pork Feet and any other of your pork needs.

With decades of experience in the industry, D & B Foods offers a wide variety of lamb product brands from local suppliers. Our network of suppliers allows us to be competitive and meet our customers' price and quality needs.
Shoulder of lamb - This large cut contains firm, flavorful meat streaked with a moderate amount of fat. Lamb shoulder is usually sold whole or halved on the bone.. The shoulder is also sold boned and rolled for roasting or diced.
Rack of lamb - This section produces some of the most tender cuts of Lamb. The first eight ribs are known as “The Rack”. It can be cut in several ways. When the ends of the bones are exposed after the fat has been trimmed away it can form a most impressive roast.
Lamb loin - Little-used muscles in the loin make for some of the most tender cuts of lamb. This portion provides Loin (lamb) Chops for grilling or frying. The loin is also the source of compact tenderloin and whole loin roasts, often boned and tied.
Lamb Leg - Whole, half, or boned Leg of Lamb will make a perfect roast. For grilling and frying or the BBQ Leg of lamb is often sold as Leg Steaks, stir fry strips, or cubed for kebabs. A leg of lamb can also be roasted or grilled.
Lamb Shank -This is the lower section of the leg. Hearty, economical, and full-flavored, the tough shank meat requires long, gentle braising. The shank is full of flavor. It will become very tender and fall off the bone when cooked in this way.

Seafood is one of D&B Foods newest additions to our inventory, which began as a way to help out many of the markets and restaurants during lent. Due to the constant demand of seafood, D&B Foods has now expanded to include many of the most sought after fish in the industry.
Salmon - skin on or skinless; Salmon is an oily fish with a rich content of protein and omega 3 fatty acids.
Swai - or Basa, is a mild flavored, flakey textured white freshwater fish. It is a rich source of protein and low in fat. It is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.
Tilapia - is low in fat, mild flavored freshwater fish. It is a good source of protein and a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.
Shrimp - shell on, headless, or peeled and deveined. Shrimp come in many sizes to fit your needs. It is high in several vitamins and minerals and is a rich source of protein. Shrimp may promote heart and brain health due to its content of omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant astaxanthin.
Imitation Crab - a type of seafood made with starch and finely pulverized white fish that has been shaped and cured to resemble the legmeat of snow crab. This is a precooked product.
Giant Squid - This is sliced and precooked.

Another new addition to the D&B Foods inventory is bulk cheese. Our cheeses come in boxes of around 40 lbs. for your basic cheese needs.
Monterey Jack - wheel, block, shredded, or finely shredded. A semi-hard cheese made from cow’s milk. It is noted for its mild flavor.
Cheddar - block or finely shredded. This cheese is relatively hard and sometimes has a sharp-taste. It is mainly made with cow’s milk.
Mozzarella - This white, semi-hard cheese is traditionally from southern Italy and made with the milk of water buffalos. These herds are in very few countries. As a result, most of the Mozzarella cheeses that are available now are made with cow’s milk.